The sleeping detectives from SLP

At SLP we have four masterful sleepers: Ruby, Luna, Shiva and Poopsy. These four show us every day that sleeping is more than just a hobby – it’s a way of life!

Cat nap: a serious matter

Cats sleep an average of 12 to 16 hours a day. Our four fur noses are living proof of this. You will find the most incredible places to sleep – from a cozy corner in the Geitenstal to an improvised bed in a supermarket box.

Sleeping as a survival strategy

Sleeping a lot is part of their survival instinct. But we suspect that our four little friends are simply enjoying the good life at SLP and taking full advantage of their downtime.

A nap everywhere

Whether in the hay store, at home in a cardboard box or in the middle of the road – Ruby, Luna, Shiva and Poopsy can find a place to sleep anywhere. Sometimes we go to work and when we come back, they’re still lying there as if they haven’t moved an inch!

What we can learn from our cats

Our cats teach us that it is important to take time to rest. They are the undisputed masters of relaxation and show us how to enjoy life to the full.

SLP’s sleep experts

Our four SLP cats are not only experts at sleeping, but also at putting a smile on our faces every day. Her unwavering commitment to sleep inspires us all to find a little more serenity in our lives.

By Published On: November 9th, 2016Categories: BehaviorComments Off on The sleep mystery of cats

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